The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy


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Who Is The Grapes Group?

My name is Bob Grapes and I am a retired public-school teacher who taught for over 25 years. I realized very early in my teaching career that the educational system that I was part of had a big problem.

What is that problem you may ask?

The problem is clear to see...

We are teaching our students how to only rely on big brother (government schooling) by teaching them to go to school, get good grades, then go out and join the “rat race” by getting a job working for 40 to 50 years as a wage slave then retire to a life that has a 90% chance for financial failure in their retirement years.

Simply put, our educational system only teaches people how to become employees and trade their time for money. (A Wage Slave)

People only ever learn to work for money...

As Robert Kiyosaki author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad has stated “The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is that people learn to work for money…

… but never learn how to have money work for them.”

The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy is on a mission to teach any person who has the desire to get out of the “Rat Race” as an everyday wage slave and become a “Financially Free” Sovereign Individual.

Tuition-Free Lessons With

The Grapes Group

School of Financial Literacy

You'll learn a number of tuition free online lessons that deal with:

CashFlowIQ Number

Understanding what a CashFlowIQ is and how to use it.

Sovereignty & Freedom

What true freedom is and how to claim it.

Strategic Budgeting

How to create and leverage a budget to your advantage.

Money & Taxes

How to get yours working for you and pay as little taxes as legally possible.

Using Debt In Your Favor

Eliminate bad debt and working with good debt in becoming wealthy.

Wealth Accumulation

Investing in wealth-producing assets that continually grow.

The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy will also teach tuition-free lessons about:

  • How to discover your FFSI Number (Financially Free Sovereign Individual Number) 
  • That you have and will always have “Free Will and Free Choice”
  • How to easily change your Mind Set
  • How to Escape the Rat Race as an everyday wage slave
  • How to Turn Liabilities into Cash Flowing Assets
  • How to Find – Fund – Flow any type of Real Estate
  • How to Find – Fund – Flow Tax Liens and Tax Deeds
  • How to successfully trade in the Forex market 
  • The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy curriculum was developed from Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books as well as a number of websites, reports and articles researched from the world wide web.

School Tuition Is Free!

To enroll in The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy will cost you nothing but a commitment of time to read and understand the lessons. All that being said above, I hope you can see the great value for you and your family in becoming our next tuition free student in The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy.

Please click the enroll link below and fill out the form so that The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy can help you start on your journey in becoming a Financially Free Sovereign Individual.

Once you enroll, you will be re-directed to our CASHFLOW IQ page so that you can discover your very own Cash Flow IQ as well as download The Grapes Group “Movement of Money” e-book.

Enroll Today!

The Grapes Group School of Financial Literacy is your fast track to discovering the formula to create your own financial freedom.

Enroll now »
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